NOTE: This blog post was originally hosted on the Motorola Developers (MOTODEV). site. That site is no longer online. I’ve made every attempt to preserve the original content with only formatting changes to fit this site.

Hello Everyone.

Happy Friday the 13th!

On November 12, Google removed all SDKs from the main Android developer site, except for the Eclair (v 2.0) SDK. While Google ensures that their current SDK works with older targets, this does present a bit of a challenge for MOTODEV Studio users.

We’ve been preparing an update for the Eclair SDK that would’ve been out soon. We had the updates pushed to our test site and had not experienced any problems in our testing. However, the decision to deprecate the older SDKs requires us to make some changes to our update servers to allow 1.0 users to have a more gradual update experience. The Eclipse P2 update mechanism, which originally pointed to the 1.6 SDK on the main Google site, now points to the SDK on the archive site. Users of MOTODEV Studio 1.0 and 1.0.1 will be able to download the 1.6 SDK again from MOTODEV Studio. Users who’ve previously installed MOTODEV Studio and have an SDK already on their development machine should save their SDK as a precaution against future changes.

We would hope that everyone will update to MOTODEV Studio 1.0.2 and the 2.0 SDK as quickly as possible. However, we understand that many developers may be in the middle of a development cycle and may not wish to change their tools or SDK immediately. It is for these users that we’ve implemented these changes to our update server.

MOTODEV Studio for Android 1.0.2, which supports the 2.0 SDK, will (hopefully) be available within the next week. It will be available as an Eclipse update as well as in a full installer. We encourage everyone to update their tools and SDKs at the earliest convenience to avoid any disruptions in the future.

Thank you for using MOTODEV Studio.
